Here are some fun cutting activities to get your preschooler ready for kindergarten (to improve cutting skills and hand-eye coordination). Each page provides opportunities to practice coloring, cutting, and pasting--with a small picture of what the final product should look like to help children in assembly.
Just right click and save as (or click on the image to view it full size and then print).
Have child color the shapes first, then cut, and finally assemble with glue.
I also have an A-Z Cutting Crafts and Activities booklet that contains 40 different cutting activities, with at least one activity for each letter of the alphabet. The PDF file is 41 pages and contains a clickable table of contents to help you find what you're looking for in a jiffy.
Craft pages include: Ant, Apples, Balloons, Bat, Bear, Bee, Car, Christmas tree, Cow, Dinosaur, Dog, Elephant, Envelope, Flower, Goose, House, Ice cream cone, Jack-o’-lantern, Kite, Ladybug, Monkey, Nest, Octopus, Panda, Pinwheel, Quilt, Race Car, Rat, Sheep, Snowman, Train, Turkey, Turtle, Umbrella, Valentine, Wagon, Xylophone, Yacht, and Zebra.
Click here to download the free file!