Friday, August 14, 2020

How to Create a 3D Origami Mask Tracing Template

This tutorial will show you how to create a pattern template to trace "cut" lines onto your fabric. I recommend using a heavy cardstock to create your tracing template. This really simplifies and speeds up the cutting process so you can move on to sewing your masks. I include five sizes: Child S-M, Child L-XL, Teen/Adult XS, Adult S-M, Adult L-XL. 

For the full sewing tutorial, see How to Make a 3D Origami Face Mask (with pictures) and this post with illustrations.

Step 1: Start by cutting out a rectangle according to your desired size.


Rectangle Dimensions

Child S-M (5-11 yrs)

7.5” x 6”

Child L-XL (11-12 yrs)

8.5” x 6.5”

Teen/Adult XS

9.75” x 7”

Adult S-M

10.25” x 7.25”

Adult L-XL

10.5” x 8”

Step 2: To crop the corners, measure the appropriate distance (1.75”, 2”, or 2.25”; see table below) on both sides of the rectangle.


Rectangle Dimensions

Corner Crop

Child S-M (5-11 yrs)

7.5” x 6”


Child L-XL (11-12 yrs)

8.5” x 6.5”


Teen/Adult XS

9.75” x 7”


Adult S-M

10.25” x 7.25”


Adult L-XL

10.5” x 8”



Step 3: Once the corners are cropped, each template should resemble a rectangular octagon. 

 Step 4: Place your cardstock template on clean, preshrunk, ironed fabric (two layers works better than one). Trace around the template with a pencil or pen. Cut along the marked lines.